Submission Instructions (2024)

Submission Instructions (1)

ENDO 2024 will take place on June 1-4 in Boston, MA. Please read the following Abstract Submission Instructions prior to submitting your abstract. If you have any questions not answered within this document, please email

Failure to comply with the below instructions may lead to an abstract being rejected. Late-breaking abstracts will not be accepted for this submission period beyond the stated deadline of Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST US. Late-breaking abstracts will only be accepted March 19-April 10, 2024.


Abstract Submission Dates

The ENDO 2024 Late-breaking abstract submission site opens on Tuesday, March 19, 2024and will close on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET.

Editing Services

Language editing, translation, and poster formatting services are available through American Journal Experts. Endocrine Society members receive additional 10% off. Visit for more information.


A non-refundable fee of $150.00 USD is due at the time of abstract submission. (Credit Cards and Paypal are accepted). If you need to pay with a method other than a credit card, please email Abstract submission does not automatically register you for ENDO. Upon submission, the presenting author of the abstract agrees to register and attend ENDO to present the abstract.


Membership is not a requirement to submit an abstract for ENDO, but Endocrine Society members receive special discounted ENDO registrations rates. You must be an Endocrine Society member to be considered for abstract awards. Join Now to get the best rate for ENDO.

Authorship of Work

Authorship on multiple abstracts is permitted.

Co-Author and/or Primary Investigator Review

The submitting author (contact) is responsible for ensuring that ALL co-authors and/or primary investigator review the abstract and agree to the Author Agreement and License to Publish prior to submission. Failure to obtain permission to publish from co-authors may result in abstract rejection.

Disposition Notices/Abstract Acceptance

Late Breaking Abstract notifications will be emailed to presenting authors only in mid-May. Presenting authors are responsible for communicating the presentation status of their abstract with their co-authors.

Abstract Withdrawal

Abstracts may be withdrawn by sending an email to Withdrawal requests must be submitted by the submitting (contact) author and include the abstract submission confirmation number. The $150 abstract submission fee is not refundable.


Submitting (contact) authors may log into the site to edit their abstract up until the abstract submission deadline. NO REVISIONS to the abstract or the list of authors will be allowed once the site closes on the deadline date.

Prior Publication Policy

  • Submitted abstracts cannot contain data previously presented at a national meeting within the United States at the time of abstract submission.
  • Submitted abstracts cannot contain data already accepted for publication in any online or PubMed indexed venue at the time of abstract submission.
  • Violators will be subject to abstract withdrawal and may be barred from presenting at future Endocrine Society meetings.

Ethical Issues and Conduct

Authors who submit research with or engage in publication ethical violations will be subject to exclusion for future abstract submissions. Review the Ethical Guidelines for Research.


Abstract submission does not automatically register you for ENDO. Presenting authors must be registered for your abstract to be included in the ENDO 2024 program. Upon submission, the presenting author of the abstract agrees to register and attend ENDO to present the abstract. Online registration is live, PDF registration forms, and program information are available at


Submission Steps

You will be prompted to complete the following steps when submitting an abstract:

  • Step 1: Abstract Title
  • Step 2: Presentation Type
  • Step 3: Science Type and Topic
  • Step 4: Authors and Disclosures
  • Step 5: COI and Permissions
  • Step 6: Abstract Body
  • Step 7: Submission Questions
  • Step 8: Payment
  • Step 9: Review my Work

If you are unable to finish your abstract submission in one sitting, you must at least complete Step 1: Abstract Title, in order to have your submission saved and be able to return to the abstract submission site and complete any time prior to the deadline. All abstracts must be completed and submitted by the abstract submission deadline, Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM EST US. If you do not complete the submission prior to the deadline, your abstract will not be reviewed.

Step 1: Abstract Title

Abstract titles should be short and specific, and entered in title case (the first letter of each word is capitalized, except for certain small words, such as articles, conjunctions, and prepositions).

For assistance with putting your abstract title in title case, visit

Example:This Is a Properly Formatted Title

Step 2: Presentation Type

You may select your abstract to be considered for an Oral Presentation, Rapid Fire Presentation, or Traditional Poster Presentation. Please Note: Authors of accepted abstracts will receive further information and technical guidelines on how to prepare for their oral, rapid fire, or traditional poster presentation.

Oral Presentation

The highest-ranked abstracts are selected for Oral Session Presentations. These sessions will take place in Boston June 1-4, 2024. Presenting authors will have dedicated time to give a 10-minute presentation using slides to summarize their abstract followed by a brief 3-5 minute question and answer session. Note: Abstracts not accepted for an Oral Presentation will automatically be considered for Rapid Fire Poster Presentations.

Rapid Fire Presentation

Rapid Fire Poster Presentations will take place in Boston, June 1-4, 2024. Presenting authors will give a 2-5-minute presentation with no more than 5 slides, highlighting the key points, so interested attendees can ask questions about your work in the subsequent communications. Select this option if you do not wish to be considered for an oral presentation and want to provide a quick synopsis of your work. The Rapid Fire Poster Presentations will be delivered in session rooms prior to oral abstract presentations.

Traditional Poster Presentation (Printed Poster)

Poster Presentations will take place in-person in Boston on Saturday, June 1, 2024, through Monday, June 3, 2024. Presenting authors will be able to display a traditional poster on an expansive poster floor. Poster presenters will be assigned one day to display their printed poster at the conference. In addition, poster presenters will be able to stand next to their printed poster during a Meet-and-Greet session. Presenting authors will bring their poster to be presented in the exhibit hall and receive comments and questions on their poster(s) from meeting participants. Select this option if you do not wish to be considered for an oral or rapid-fire presentation and want to take advantage of presenting your work in-person and not on an electronic screen.

Step 3: Science Type and Topic

Basic, clinical, and translational scientific abstracts, clinical trials are accepted for submission across 100 topical areas, and clinical case reports are accepted for submission in 16 topical areas. View the complete list of 2024 Abstract Topical Areas.

  • Basic Scientific Research - Submissions should report basic endocrine research (e.g., physiological or molecular biological research in cell cultures or animal models).
  • Translational Scientific Research - Submissions should report mechanistic endocrine research in humans, human tissues, tumor cells, or animal models that have a direct relationship to human physiology or disease.
  • Clinical Scientific Research - Submissions should report endocrine research investigating or concerning specific disease states (e.g., evaluation of diagnostic techniques and therapies).
  • Clinical Trial - Submissions should report data about the safety or potential benefit of an endocrine intervention such as a medication, device, teaching concept, training method, or behavioral change in human subjects.
  • Clinical Case Report - In partial contrast to the requirements for general Clinical Case Report submissions, submissions for late-breaking Clinical Case Reports should report completely novel findings that provide meaningful new insight into the etiology and/or treatment of endocrine disorders. In addition to consideration for poster presentation at ENDO, late-breaking Clinical Case Reports will be considered for use in other educational formats, online or in print.

For detailed information on submitting abstracts view:

  • Submitting a Scientific Abstract
  • Submitting a Case Report Abstract
  • Submitting a Clinical Trial Abstract

Step 4: Authors and Disclosures

Edits to authors will not be accepted after the abstract submission site has closed. Please review this information carefully to ensure you have included all authors. You may also change the presenting author here at any time up until the abstract submission site closes (NOTE: There can be only one Presenting Author in your submission).

Enter contact information and disclosures for the presenting author. Based on the disclosures entered for the presenting author, complete the Conflict of Interest (COI) resolution and recording permissions. If you change the presenting authors, you must also update the COI and permissions pertinent to the new presenting author.



In accordance with requirements of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Endocrine Society requires all individuals who are in a position to control the content of a CME activity to disclose all financial relationships with any commercial interest that produces, markets, resells, or distributes healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients.

Financial relationships are defined as remuneration paid to you in any amount that has occurred within the last 24 months when these two conditions apply:

  • You have financial relationship with a commercial interest.
  • You have the opportunity to affect CME content related to the products or services of that commercial interest.

If a potential conflict of interest exists as a result of a financial relationship, this will need to be resolved prior to the activity. All financial relationships must be disclosed to learners at the beginning of the CME activity. If no financial relationships exist, learners must be informed of that as well.

Step 5: COI and Permissions

Conflict of Interest

If you listed a conflict of interest for your abstract presentation when you completed your disclosures and a potential conflict exists as a result of a financial relationship, this will need to be resolved prior to the activity. Please complete this step to assist with resolving any potential conflict of interests so that the Endocrine Society may provide CME on your presentation.

Session Recording Permissions

The Endocrine Society will record your presentation, with your consent and will make the recording available through Endocrine Society distribution channels. In this section, please select your options and provide requested information here.

Step 6: Abstract Body

  • Character Limit: Maximum of 2,500 characters, including punctuation (not spaces), for the text of your abstract body. Figures, tables, graphs will not be accepted. References are allowed but not required and should be included in the body of your abstract. If you include references, they will count toward the 2,500-character limit.
  • Abstract Body: Select "Enter Abstract Text" below to type in your abstract or copy and paste it from an existing document, or "Upload a File Containing Your Abstract". To preserve formatting and scientific characters in your abstract text, uploading a file containing your abstract is the preferred option. You may upload any .doc or .docx file, but the total character limit must not exceed 2,500. PLEASE NOTE: To preserve the blind peer review process, do not include any identifying information (institution or author names) in your abstract. All co-authors/primary investigators, their institutional affiliations, and any disclosures must be entered in Step 4: AUTHORS AND DISCLOSURES.
  • Graphics (e.g., figures and tables) are not accepted in the body of your abstract.

IMPORTANT: Please carefully review your abstract and author information before finalizing your submission. Presenting authors may edit their abstract by returning to the abstract submission site at any time prior to the submission deadline. No edits can be made once the submission site closes. Accepted abstracts will be published online in the ENDO program, in the ENDO mobile app (if applicable), and in the Journal of the Endocrine Society (JES). Authors will not have an opportunity to review or approve proofs of their abstract before it appears online and in JES, and corrections after publication in JES are not possible.

Step 7: Submission Questions

  • Question 1: Principal Investigator – provide the PI of your research.
  • Question 2: Religious Conflicts – indicate if any conflicts exist which would prevent you from presenting on certain days (Saturday or Sunday).
  • Question 3: Embargo and Publication Restriction – indicate if you do not want your full abstract posted online until the date of your presentation.
  • Question 4: Basic Science Pathways – if you are submitting a Basic Science abstract, please select a Science Pathway. Selecting the Basic Science Pathway will help attendees search and find your abstract.
  • Question 5: Quality Improvement and Patient Safety – Indicate if abstract covers quality improvement and patient safety.

Step 8: Payment

The ENDO 2024 late-breaking abstract fee is $150 (USD) per abstract. Abstract fees are non-refundable. Visa, Master Card, and American Express are accepted. Note: Paying the abstract submission fee does not register you for ENDO 2024. All abstract presenters must register to attend ENDO 2024. Please visit ENDO 2024 | Endocrine Society for registration information.

If you are having difficulty finalizing your payment, please contact +1 (217) 398-1792

Step 9: Review My Work

Please carefully review your abstract and author information before the abstract submission site closes. No edits can be made once the submission site closes. Accepted abstracts will be published online in the ENDO program, in the ENDO mobile app, and in the Journal of the Endocrine Society (JES). Authors will not have an opportunity to review or approve proofs of their abstract before it appears online and in JES, and corrections after publication in JES are not possible.

You will receive an email confirming your submission. Return to the submission site at any time before the submission deadline to make edits to your abstract. All abstracts must be completed and submitted by the abstract submission deadline Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET US. If you do not complete the submission prior to the deadline, your abstract will not be reviewed.

Please make all changes before the abstract submission site closes. No edits can be made to your abstract after the submission site closes.



Submitting (contact) authors may use the link provided through their submission confirmation email to edit their abstract up until the abstract submission deadline. NO REVISIONS to the abstract or the list of authors will be allowed once the site closes on the deadline date.

Abstract Withdrawal

Abstracts may be withdrawn by sending an email to Withdrawal requests must be submitted by the submitting (contact) author and include the abstract submission confirmation number. The $150 abstract submission fee is not refundable.

Notice of Abstract Acceptance

Abstract notifications will be emailed to presenting authors only in mid-May.

Abstract Sessioning

Authors of accepted abstracts will receive presentation details, information and technical guidelines on how to prepare for their oral or poster presentation. Presenting authors will not be allowed to reschedule their presentation except for religious reasons (as identified in Step 8 of the submission process).

Abstract Publication

All accepted abstracts from registered presenters will be published on the meeting website and in a supplemental issue of the Open Access Journal of the Endocrine Society (JES) and assigned a DOI.


Please agree to terms as listed below.


  • The Author(s) warrants that the Work in its entirety is original except for those parts that are reproduced or adapted with permission from other sources and acknowledged as such within the Work, that all the facts it contains are true and accurate, and has not been published other than as an abstract in any language or format and has not been accepted elsewhere for print or electronic publication consideration. The Author(s) further warrants that the Work does not contain any material that is defamatory or the publication of which would violate any copyright or other personal, intellectual, property, contract, or proprietary right of any person or entity.
  • The Author(s) warrants that each person listed as an author meets the Authorship Conditionsand understands the Authorship Obligations described in the Ethical Guidelines for Research on the Endocrine Society's website. All Author(s) consent to the investigation of any improprieties that may be alleged regarding the Work. Each Author(s) further releases and holds harmless the Endocrine Society from any claim or liability that may arise therefrom.
  • If the Work has been prepared by an Author(s) as an employee within the scope of his or her employment, the Author(s) represents that the employer has been made aware of, and consents to, the terms of this License. This License includes authorization for the employer to make copies of the Work for its own internal use.
  • If all Author(s) are US Government employees and the Work was written as part of the official duties of the Author(s) as employees of the US Government, then the Work may not be subject to US copyright or the ownership provisions of this License. Nevertheless, to the extent allowed by, and consistent with, applicable law, the Author(s) authorize publication of the Work in the Endocrine Society publication under terms equivalent to those provided for in the license and agree to all of the warranties specified in the license.


The Endocrine Society acknowledges and agrees that the Author(s) of this Work own all right, title and interest of any nature, throughout the world, to the Work, including any copyright registration or applications for copyright registrations relating thereto anywhere in the world. The Work as defined includes but is not limited to text, figures, tables, artwork, abstracts, cover images, summaries, and supplemental data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Endocrine Society may secure copyright registration for any collection or compilation in which the Work is published by the Endocrine Society.


The Endocrine Society will record (the “Recording”) your presentation (the “Presentation,” as identified below in Additional Information) and, with your consent, will make the Recording available through Endocrine Society distribution channels.

Please provide the requested information at the bottom of this form. If you agree to participate and sign this Consent form, neither the Endocrine Society nor any of its vendors will acquire any ownership or copyright of your Presentation or (if used) your accompanying materials (“Slides,” to include graphics, videos, audio, photos, etc.). You will remain the copyright holder and owner of your Presentation and Slides, and you grant the Endocrine Society an irrevocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide, compensation-free license and right in perpetuity to record, reproduce, license, translate, develop derivative works, distribute, perform, broadcast, and display the Recording of the Presentation (and Slides if permitted below) in all formats on any platform or media, to include in all cases full attribution to you.


For the intangible value and goodwill to my reputation I will gain by having my content recorded and made available by the Endocrine Society, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which I hereby acknowledge, I give the Endocrine Society my permission, and I grant to the Endocrine Society the right to film, record, and photograph me in connection with the Recording.

Further, I authorize the Endocrine Society to identify me by name and use my name, likeness, appearance, voice, and professional biographical information in connection with the Recording and any advertising and promotion related thereto. The Endocrine Society has no obligation to use the Recording. I waive the right to review or approve the Recording.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, I knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily waive all legal and equitable rights relating to all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, and expenses, including but not limited to, claims for copyright or trademark infringement, infringement of moral rights, libel, defamation, invasion of any rights of privacy, violation of rights of publicity, physical or emotional injury or distress, or any similar claim or cause of action in tort, contract, or any other legal theory, now known or hereafter known in any jurisdiction throughout the world (collectively, "Claims") arising directly or indirectly from the Endocrine Society’s exercise of its rights under this Consent or the production, advertising, promotion, licensing, or other use of the Recording, and forever release and discharge the Endocrine Society from liability under such claims.

If any term or provision of this Consent is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Consent or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. The Endocrine Society may assign this consent and its rights and obligations hereunder, in whole or in part, to any party. This Consent shall be binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, and legal representatives. All matters arising out of or relating to this Consent shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the District of Columbia without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule. Any claim or cause of action arising under this Consent may be brought only in the federal and state courts located in the District of Columbia, and I hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.

This Consent provides the Endocrine Society with my consent, waiver, and release of liability. By signing, I acknowledge that I have read and understood all the terms of this Consent.


The Author(s) agrees that when reproducing the Work or extracts from it, the Author(s) will credit first publication of the Work in the Endocrine Society publication by name, Journal of the Endocrine Society.

The Author(s) retains the following nonexclusive rights:

  • The Author(s) reserves the right after publication of the Work to use all or part of the Work in compilations or other publications of the Author's own works, and to make copies of all or part of the Work for the Author's use for lectures, classroom instruction, or similar uses.
  • The Author(s) reserves the right to post the Work (including the Endocrine Society's formatted PDF) after final publication on the Author(s)'s web page provided that a link to the article in the Endocrine Society's online publication is included, Journal of the Endocrine Society.
  • The Author(s) reserves the right to post and update the Work on pre-print services provided that the Endocrine Society-formatted files (HTML and PDF) are not used and that a link to the Work in the Endocrine Society's online publication is included, Journal of the Endocrine Society.
  • The Author(s) reserves the right to deposit his or her final accepted manuscript in the Author(s)'s funding body's archive or designated repository; provided that a link to the Work in the Endocrine Society's online publication is included, Journal of the Endocrine Society.


  • The Author(s) authorizes the Endocrine Society to take such steps as it considers necessary at its own expense in the Author(s)'s name and on their behalf if it believes that a third party is infringing or is likely to infringe the copyright in the Work.
  • These Terms are governed by the internal laws of the State of Delaware. The Author(s) agrees that any action arising out of or in any way relating to these Terms may be brought only in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Delaware, and the Author(s) hereby consents to the jurisdiction, venue and convenience of such courts. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms will be effective only if it is in writing and signed by the Endocrine Society. No waiver of any provision of these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, void or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.

Patient Consent (For Case Reports)

All patients have a right to privacy and personally identifying information should not be revealed without consent. Case reports should follow International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations. Authors must attest that they have secured all required patient consent forms, to be made available to the Endocrine Society on request. Identifying information, including names, initials, exact dates, or hospital numbers should not be published in written descriptions, figures, or photographs unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that an identifiable patient be shown the materials to be published. Nonessential identifying details should be omitted. Informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt that anonymity can be maintained. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity. The Endocrine Society has the final decision on what information is potentially identifying and when patient consent is required.

Submission Instructions (2024)


How to write submission guidelines? ›

In short, your writing guidelines should:
  1. Say who you are and what type of writing you are looking for.
  2. Provide a submission deadline.
  3. State whether or not you offer payment as well as how much.
  4. Outline your specific requirements, including details such as page length, word count, or any formatting specifications.
Mar 25, 2020

Does Mdpi reject papers? ›

Academic editors can decide to continue with the peer review process, reject a manuscript, or request revisions before peer-review.

Why are submission guidelines important? ›

Importantly, guidelines help authors to ensure that their work is more readily accepted and more quickly published. If these guidelines are appropriately followed (and if the research is acceptable), this can cut a significant amount of time out of the publication process.

How long does a pending decision take in MDPI? ›

Pending decision

This manuscript status means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. It usually takes 1–2 days. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload.

What is a sample sentence for submission? ›

Examples of submission in a Sentence

I'm preparing the results of my study for submission to a medical journal. the electronic submission of tax returns The deadline for submissions is January 31st.

How do you write a good submission? ›

A submission doesn't have to be in any particular style, but try to write in a clear, concise way. Try to make your submission as easy as possible for someone else to read. It's a good idea to use punctuation and to separate out different points into paragraphs.

What is the rejection rate of MDPI? ›

Specifically in 2023, we received approximately 25,000 submissions from South Korean authors, publishing close to 13,000 articles, resulting in a rejection rate of 47.4%, which is not far below MDPI's overall rejection rate of 56.4% in 2023.

Why not to publish in MDPI journals? ›

MDPI is a borderline predatory publisher. It's difficult to precisely assess it because they have respected journals in some fields and try to innovate the (poorly functioning) model of scientific publishing.

Which is better Elsevier or MDPI? ›

There are a lot of countries that regard MDPI as a credible publisher and then I have also seen professors in some countries that do not encourage publishing with MDPI, only because of their speedy article review process. On the contrary, Elsevier takes comparatively longer time in the review process.

What are submission requirements? ›

Submission Requirements means all documents and information required to be completed and submitted by the Tenderer in order to submit a compliant tender.

What are the submission principles? ›

The biblical principle of submission reflects the humility and self-denial exemplified by Jesus Christ, and the obedience to Christ commanded of all believers. It is the opposite of the ego-centric, self-promoting independence and pride that was our human downfall in Genesis 3.

Is multiple submission of publication allowed Why? ›

No. All respectable journals require that any paper you submit be under review at no other venues for publication at the time of submission. If an editor finds outs you've submitted to multiple journals, they are going to desk reject you and possibly blackball you from publishing at their journal again.

What is the acceptance rate for MDPI? ›

Under half of the submissions are accepted

Overall, 381,100 submissions were received in 2020, for which the rejection rate was 57%. Not all papers are appropriate for the journal, collection or Special Issue to which they have been submitted, and not all submitted research reflects MDPI's core values.

How credible is MDPI? ›

MDPI is a well-established publisher of open-access journals, with a good reputation in the scientific community. While concerns about predatory publishing practices are valid and should be taken seriously, it is important to approach such claims with caution and to evaluate the evidence carefully.

How long does MDPI take to publish? ›

Authors and Readers Benefit from MDPI's Pledges to:

maintain quick publication — manuscripts are published within 5-7 weeks of submission (provided no major revisions are required) publish full open access journals — readers can access all content published on this platform for free.

How do you start writing guidelines? ›

How to start planning:
  1. Analyze your audience. ...
  2. Analyze your purpose. ...
  3. Conduct your research and gather materials. ...
  4. Figure out what you're going to say before you start making sentences and paragraphs. ...
  5. Arrange the material. ...
  6. Run it past someone else.

How do you write project guidelines? ›

Follow these nine steps to write a project plan that sets you up for success:
  1. Set goals. ...
  2. Define the scope. ...
  3. Determine the deliverables. ...
  4. Create the scope document. ...
  5. Create a schedule. ...
  6. Define roles, responsibilities, and resources. ...
  7. Decide on communication methods. ...
  8. Complete a risk assessment.
Feb 11, 2024


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Article information

Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6090

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.